Current SMH Promotion!!

Purchase 2 Bottle (120's) of NaturCare Colostrum +DHA Chews,
- Free Registered Postage!

All returning customers gets free normal postage automatically!!


Friday, March 5, 2010

NaturCare Colostrum +DHA Chews

Is your child:
  •  Lacking in appetite?
  •  Suffering from allergies?
  •  Often tired or lethargic?
  •  Always falling sick?
  •  Lacking in focus and concentration?
 Are you constantly:
  • Fearful of your child contacting a virus from school or play mates?
  • Worrying whenever your child goes to the public pool?
  • Keeping your child away from crowded places?
  • Restricting your child's sense of exploration?  
If any of the above concerns you or your child, it’s time you do something to help boost his physical and mental strength. So he can enjoy his growing up years to the fullest.

Welcome nature's power-packed super food. With added DHA.


No matter how your child eats, his or her growing up schedule is packed with nutrient-hungry and interactive activity. In today’s fast-track environment, children from the age of 6 to the teens face some of the most challenging times physically and mentally, and need whatever extra support you can give, to be at their optimum!